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Day 1 of ....

It has been quite a while since I have blogged. At least 5 years. At that time I never really stuck with it either, however I am going to try and stick with this daily, for as long as I can muster up the Will power. So a little something about me. Here is  a photo of me and my wife before our diet that started about a year ago. I keep this photo around for two reasons, one, look at that sexy beard, I have kept it short since I have been losing weight, and two it is with the love of my life at my favorite place I have ever been. Pike's Peak in Colorado, but more about that in a future post. As of this year, I am 39 years old, and do not feel it, which I have never really felt my age, when I was young I acted older, and now that I am older I tend to act younger. We have been happily married for .... I want to say it will be 12 years this year, but I am really bad with remember dates, or names, or pretty much anything. Do not worry, my wife has a similar memory issue, we kn

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